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Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming แปลไทยตอนที่ 104

| Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming | 451 | 2492 วันที่แล้ว
Chapter 104: Thief! Before he had recovered, Chi was beaten by Qin Guan
บทที่ 104: โจร!
To whom could he express his grievance? Chi was going to cry
Cong Nianwei couldn't bear to be around someone with such a low IQ
Cong Nianwei ไม่สามารถแบกรับคนที่มีไอคิวต่ำได้
Covering her forehead helplessly, she waved to Qin Guan
"I have a headache
Don't talk to him, your IQ will get lower
ไม่ได้พูดคุยกับเขา IQ ของคุณจะลดลง
Take me back to my dormitory
"Liu Xiaoyang burst into laughter
หลิว Xiaoyang ระเบิดเป็นเสียงหัวเราะ
This is free entertainment! How could Chi even survive this far in life? Since the heroine had left, everyone walked away, smiling to themselves
The funny incident was spreading as fast as a tide
It was already considered one of the most ridiculous events of the year
As Chi’s best friend, Zhao Tianyi helped him back to their dormitory and tried to comfort him
ในฐานะเพื่อนที่ดีที่สุดของ Chi, Zhao Tianyi ช่วยให้เขากลับไปที่หอพักและพยายามปลอบโยนเขา
The two lonely boys could be seen under the dim light of the lamps
Friendship lasted forever
A true friend supporting one unconditionally was a life fortune
Forget about love, Chi Hailin
ลืมเรื่องความรัก Chi Hailin
Go down the road of friendship instead!Liu Xiayang couldn't stop laughing on the way back
ไปที่ถนนแห่งมิตรภาพแทน Liu Xiayang ไม่สามารถหยุดหัวเราะได้ในทางกลับ
He narrated the story vividly to other people as he returned to his dormitory
Thus, a new legend about Qin Guan started spreading around campus
ดังนั้นตำนานใหม่เกี่ยวกับ Qin Guan เริ่มแพร่กระจายไปทั่ววิทยาเขต
It was said that his girlfriend was as pretty as a fairy, and all the boys at QH had committed suicide for her
มีคนบอกว่าแฟนของเขาสวยเหมือนนางฟ้าและเด็กชายทุกคนที่ QH ได้ฆ่าตัวตายเพื่อเธอ
Like a god from Heaven, Qin Guan had rescued the stray lambs with his charm
เหมือนพระเจ้าจากสวรรค์, Qin Guan ได้ช่วยลูกแกะที่หลงทางด้วยเสน่ห์ของเขา
What juicy gossip!The incident remained in Qin Guan and Cong Nianwei's memory as a brief interlude
เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นใน Qin Guan และหน่วยความจำของ Cong Nianwei เป็นบทสรุปสั้น ๆ
After many years, there would only be sweetness left
What was Qin Guan doing then? He was working on the freshman welcoming party, helping Ye Dong organize it
Qin Guan ทำอะไรแล้ว?
After the tedious military training, the freshmen had returned to college
They were fixing up the hall for the party, as those guys were too disoriented by the prank calls junior girls were playing on them
Qin Guan didn’t stay for long, as he had to go to Huang Jiajia's home
Qin Guan ไม่ได้อยู่มานานแล้วขณะที่เขาต้องไปที่บ้านของ Huang Jiajia
When he arrived and saw the smile on her mother's face, he knew Huang Jiajia had gotten a good mark on the general examination
เมื่อเขามาถึงและเห็นรอยยิ้มบนใบหน้าแม่ของเธอเขารู้ว่า Huang Jiajia ได้รับคะแนนที่ดีในการสอบทั่วไป
On the school report, which Huang Jiajia cherished like treasure, Qin Guan saw a series of A’s
ในรายงานของโรงเรียนซึ่ง Huang Jiajia หวงแหนเหมือนสมบัติ Qin Guan ได้เห็นชุดของ A
The few B’s couldn't influence the final result
ไม่กี่คนที่ B ไม่สามารถมีอิทธิพลต่อผลสุดท้าย
Qin Guan praised Huang Jiajia and promised to take her to Carrefour the next day
Qin Guan ยกย่อง Huang Jiajia และสัญญาว่าจะพาเธอไปที่คาร์ฟูร์ในวันรุ่งขึ้น
Huang Jiajia was really excited that they would go on a date together
Huang Jiajia รู้สึกตื่นเต้นอย่างมากที่พวกเขาจะไปเดทกัน
Early the next morning, she turned over her chest of clothes, looking for something to wear
"Too simple!" She threw a piece of clothing away
"That skirt is too short!" You have turned your back to evil and returned to the good side, Miss Huang
Did you forget your bare midriff and the miniskirts you used to wear?"Not good!" "Not good enough!"Huang Jiajia weeded out most of her clothes
คุณลืมปลอกกระโปรงเปลือยเปล่าของคุณและ miniskirts ที่คุณเคยสวม "ไม่ดี!"
When one needed to dress up, they always wished they had more clothes than they did
Finally, Huang Jiajia decided on the outfit she would wear that day
She looked pretty in her white sweater, skinny jeans and white child-like shoes
Before leaving, she took two bills from her mother’s wallet and a yellow backpack decorated with rivets
It was the perfect outfit for a date!
The Carrefour supermarket was near the capital zoo
A famous garment wholesale market was located diagonally across the busy road
The location was perfect
She was early for her date, so Huang Jiajia enjoyed the lively scene outside Carrefour
เธออยู่ในช่วงต้นของวันที่เธอทำให้ Huang Jiajia สนุกกับฉากที่มีชีวิตชีวานอกคาร์ฟูร์
A new discount mall had opened that day
Balloons and colorful ribbons could be seen everywhere, and promotion girls were standing by the entrance
The most interesting thing were the two large bears played by real people, who were giving out leaflets to passersby
สิ่งที่น่าสนใจที่สุดคือหมีใหญ่ 2 ตัวที่เล่นโดยคนจริงซึ่งแจกใบปลิวให้กับคนที่เดินผ่าน
The two bears had short arms and legs and were charmingly naive
Huang Jiajia was deeply absorbed in them
Huang Jiajia ซาบซึ้งอยู่ในตัวพวกเขา
Suddenly, she heard a noise
A motorcycle passed through the street, the driver grabbing the bag of a lady
The motorcycle went through the crowd and passed by the entrance of Carrefour
In a moment, it would reach the road and nobody would be able to catch the thief anymore
The thief smiled happily, and the lady stopped chasing him, accepting her misfortune
Everything had happened in a moment, so the onlookers had had no time to react
The thief pressed on the accelerator proudly
Huh? Why am I still this far from the road? He turned his head around, realizing that his motor was being pulled by a hairy bear paw
One of the bears giving out leaflets by the road was holding on to the running motor with one paw
The back wheel was lifted from the ground, emitting thick smoke
The motorbike couldn't move
It was as motionless as a statue
"Wonderful!" The onlookers applauded
Huang Jiajia was really excited
Huang Jiajia รู้สึกตื่นเต้นมาก
So powerful! So brilliant! It was the kind of scene one saw in an action movie, not in real life
The guy in the bear costume waved at the onlookers, acknowledging their applause
Dear onlookers, please be serious
He is no acrobat! The thief was ferocious
He got off the motorcycle and pulled at the bear with force
It was difficult for its thick hairy paw to hold on
The bear loosened its grip
Taking advantage of it, the thief lifted up his motorbike, ready to escape