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World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination แปลไทยตอนที่ 33

| World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination | 409 | 2502 วันที่แล้ว
Chapter 33 Chapter 33 Xiao Yu looked at the fire burning in the distance
บทที่ 33 บทที่ 33 เสี่ยวหู่มองไปที่ไฟไหม้ในระยะไกล
He knew that it was impossible to extinguish it at the moment
So he decided to let everyone retreat out of the camp
He would wait for the fire to extinguish on its own then plunder the loot! Xiao Yu’s tactics were right on spot during the battle
But even know his army was outnumbered by the bandits
Moreover, the grunts had injuries too
Tyrande whistled and hunters were called back
Tyrande ผิวปากและล่าถูกเรียกกลับมา
The rest of the bandits saw that almost everyone had surrendered so they followed the group
A hunter made a report: “Master, there are many slaves that are still in capture
นักล่ารายงานว่า "นายมีทาสจำนวนมากที่ยังคงจับได้
Should we release them? If we don’t release them now the flames would take their lives
” “Of course, let them out! I would be the guilty one if we didn’t help them
"" แน่นอนปล่อยให้พวกเขาออก!
” Xiao Yu ordered the hunters to release the slaves
Xiao Yu was shocked and taken aback when the slaves came out
Xiao Yu ตกใจและตกใจเมื่อพวกทาสออกมา
He thought that there would be few dozens of them but didn’t think that there were thousands of slaves
เขาคิดว่าจะมีกี่สิบคน แต่ไม่คิดว่ามีทาสหลายพันคน
Most of them were good looking women but had dull eyes
ผู้หญิงส่วนใหญ่ดูดี แต่ตามัว
They were wearing ragged clothes and covering their private parts in shame
A phrase popped up in his mind: “Comfort women!” Anger burst out through his heart: “All of the bandits should be executed!” He was extremely angry
วลีดังกล่าวปรากฎขึ้นในใจของเขาว่า "ผู้หญิงสบายใจ!" ความโกรธโผล่ออกมาผ่านหัวใจของเขา: "โจรทุกคนควรถูกประหาร!" เขาโกรธมาก
Normally, he was a lustful fellow
In the previous world, he had downloaded few movies from internet to relieve the pent up stress
In this world he dared to peek at his sisters-in-law when they bathed
However, all of it was for only for taking a peek
In fact, he respected women
He couldn’t bring himself to force a women to do such a thing
He believed that people could be lustful but not beasts! It was Xiao Yu’s bottom line! Xiao Yu despised stuff like this when women were used as sexual slaves and pets for wanton plays
เขาเชื่อว่าคนอาจจะเป็นตัณหา แต่ไม่ใช่สัตว์!
Xiao Yu couldn’t tolerate it because of some historical facts
Xiao Yu ไม่สามารถทนต่อเรื่องนี้ได้เนื่องจากข้อเท็จจริงทางประวัติศาสตร์บางอย่าง
“Search to see if there are other slaves!” Xiao Yu’s face was like a piece of ice
"ค้นหาเพื่อดูว่ามีทาสคนอื่น ๆ ไหม" ใบหน้าของ Xiao Yu ก็เหมือนกับเศษน้ำแข็ง
He didn’t show his anger as he wanted to rescue all the slaves before going through a trial
He didn’t like to kill prisoners of war
However, he couldn’t withstand this bandits who had gone through these acts
Are they still human? Since they are not, he wouldn’t mind killing them
” Hunter replied and went to look for other slaves
ฮันเตอร์ตอบและเดินไปหาคนอื่น ๆ
The elves were respectful of nature and life so they were more sensitive when it came to searching for living people
It didn’t take long before a group of other women were brought out
ไม่นานก่อนที่กลุ่มอื่น ๆ จะถูกนำออกมา
These ones were dressed in beautiful clothes
One was superior to another in beauty
There was stubbornness and unyielding reflected on faces of some of those slaves
However, most of them were in utter despair
They were found in secret cells and belonged to upper echelon of the bandits
Most of the women had this temper which ordinary women didn’t have
It seemed that they belonged to rich families before they were taken apart
“These bandits are way too shameless! I can’t afford to face my ancestors if I let them go!” Xiao Yu clenched his teeth and walked back and forth on top of the walls as he watched so many good women who were kidnapped by the bandits
At the same time, the elves caused a huge uproar
Normally, the elves were elegant and well-mannered
Xiao Yu had never seen them get angry or even curse at people
Xiao Yu ไม่เคยเห็นพวกเขาโกรธหรือแม้แต่คนที่สาปแช่ง
Although the elves were arrogant to the bones and saw them on top of the pyramid but they always acted in civil manner and used nice words
ถึงแม้ว่าเอลฟ์จะหยิ่งกับกระดูกและเห็นพวกเขาอยู่ด้านบนของพีระมิด แต่พวกเขาก็ทำในลักษณะที่เป็นพลเมืองและใช้คำพูดที่ดี
Xiao Yu had even thought that there were no curse words in elf language
Xiao Yu เคยคิดว่าไม่มีคำสาปแช่งในภาษาเอลฟ์
But now, these elves were angry at something
Xiao Yu ran over in hurry
Xiao Yu วิ่งไปรีบ
He couldn’t control himself when he saw the situation
He pulled out his knife to stab onto rotten head of the Marcus
Group of elves were surrounding a woman
The woman’s body was curled up and her eyes were full of fear
An elf had given her his cloak to cover her naked body
A chain was covering her neck
It was as if she was pet
The women couldn’t walk properly
She crawled and crouched as if she was a cat
She wasn’t born like this but turned this way
เธอไม่ได้เกิดมาแบบนี้ แต่หันไปทางนี้
The most important thing was the woman’s ears
They were sharp and long
Moreover, they were about 20 cms in length
นอกจากนี้ยังมีความยาวประมาณ 20 ซม
A purple light flashed out from her eyes once in a while
It was a proof that she was an elf
According to the legends the elves were extinct
That’s why Xiao Yu didn’t expect to encounter one in here and in such a situation
นั่นเป็นเหตุผลที่ Xiao Yu ไม่ได้คาดหวังว่าจะได้พบกับที่นี่และในสถานการณ์เช่นนี้
Xiao Yu was annoyed with elves because of their attitude
Xiao Yu รำคาญกับเอลฟ์เพราะทัศนคติของพวกเขา
But they were his own warriors so he thought of orcs and elves as if his own relatives
More likely as his own race
How he couldn’t get angry when he saw his own people get such a non-human treatment? Even Grom who was standing next to him roared up in hurry
“I will kill all those humans
” Grom roared and rushed over towards 800 prisoners
"Grom ร่อนและรีบวิ่งไปหานักโทษ 800 คน
Grom never liked Elves but all of them were from the same world
Grom ไม่เคยชอบ Elves แต่ทั้งหมดมาจากโลกเดียวกัน
They were comrades! It was like two brothers who usually fought and quarreled
However, when an outsider tried to fight their brother they wouldn’t stand stilll and watch it
” Xiao Yu ordered in a cold tone: “I will punish them afterwards
"Xiao Yu สั่งด้วยเสียงหนาว:" ฉันจะลงโทษพวกเขาในภายหลัง
” Grom was hot-tempered but he still didn’t violate Xiao Yu’s order
"Grom ร้อนแรง แต่เขาก็ยังไม่ละเมิดคำสั่งของ Xiao Yu
He severely suppressed his feelings as his hands were slightly trembling
However, there was an expression in his eyes which told that he was going to eat prisoners one by one
Tears flew down Tyrande’s eyes
น้ำตาหล่นลงมาจากดวงตาของ Tyrande
She gently whispered in elf language to comfort the elf woman
เธอกระซิบเบา ๆ ในภาษาเอลฟ์เพื่อปลอบประโลมหญิงเอลฟ์
Elf woman was fearful of everyone
ผู้หญิง Elf กลัวทุกคน
She couldn’t even recognize her own race
However, light appeared in her eyes when she saw Tyrande
อย่างไรก็ตามแสงปรากฏในดวงตาของเธอเมื่อเธอเห็น Tyrande
“The Goddess of the Moon didn’t abandon us! She once again sent Priestess Tyrande to help us!” Xiao Yu couldn’t understand the elf language
He asked the system and found out that he could learn not only elf language but all the other languages on the continent
เขาถามระบบและพบว่าเขาสามารถเรียนรู้ภาษาเอลฟ์ไม่เพียง แต่ทุกภาษาอื่น ๆ ในทวีป
He didn’t hesitate for a moment before choosing to master elf language
“Yes, I am Tyrande
"ใช่ฉัน Tyrande
Tell me, what had happened? Why did you get into such a situation?” Tears flew down her cheeks as Tyrande asked
“Great Goddess! Great Tyrande! You had left our race for so long! The light of the Goddess of the Moon had disappeared too
We were abandoned for 10,000 years
เราถูกทอดทิ้งเป็นเวลา 10,000 ปี
The Tree of Life disappeared and elves are about to go into extinction
Those despicable humans killed us by invading our living spaces
We could only hide in the depths of the mountains
It’s so good that you came back! Our race will have hope!” Elf woman looked at Tyrande as if she was watching a goddess
Her body was trembling in excitement
“Extinction? The elves had actually encountered such a situation… those humans
” Tyrande cried slowly
Tyrande ร้องไห้ช้าๆ
Xiao Yu felt a little guilty as he listened to the words of the elf woman
Xiao Yu รู้สึกผิดเล็กน้อยเมื่อฟังคำพูดของหญิงเอลฟ์
It seemed that humanity had driven elves into desperate situation
Xiao Yu understood that women of the elves were the best pets for some nobles
Xiao Yu เข้าใจว่าผู้หญิงของเอลฟ์เป็นสัตว์เลี้ยงที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับขุนนางบางคน
It was normal for so-called bounty hunters and adventurers to enter the mounts to kill orcs for glory or capture elves as playthings
เป็นเรื่องปกติสำหรับนักล่าเงินรางวัลที่เรียกว่านักผจญภัยและนักผจญภัยที่เข้าสู่ภูเขาเพื่อฆ่า orcs เพื่อความรุ่งเรืองหรือจับเอลฟ์เป็นของเล่น
It was a ‘noble’ tradition
มันเป็นประเพณี 'ขุนนาง'
According to his memories, his father Xiao Zhan Tian had entered mountains to kill orcs and capture elves in his youth
ตามความทรงจำของเขาพ่อของเขา Xiao Zhan Tian ได้เข้าเทือกเขาเพื่อฆ่า orcs และจับเอลฟ์ในวัยหนุ่มของเขา
“Great Goddess! I beg you! Please save them! Save our people! Only you will be able to save our race! We will live under the guidance of the Goddess of the Moon once again!” The female elf talked to Tyrande
“I assure you I will help our race to stand strong once again
” Tyrande stroked the face of the female elf
"Tyrande ลูบไล้ใบหน้าของเอลฟ์หญิง
Xiao Yu looked at this exceptional scene that seemed to be taken from a movie
Xiao Yu มองไปที่ฉากพิเศษที่ดูเหมือนจะถูกพรากไปจากภาพยนตร์
A goddess of the race had appeared to save it
Now, the goddess will lead its race towards the glory
However, suddenly Xiao Yu felt a shock and almost jumped up
อย่างไรก็ตาม Xiao Yu รู้สึกตกใจและเกือบจะกระโดดขึ้น
There were serious questions that couldn’t be answered by him
“Why the elves of this world know Tyrande? Why did that female elf said that Tyrande had been missing for 10,000 years? If it is so, where is he?” *************
ทำไมเอลฟ์แห่งโลกนี้ถึงรู้ Tyrande?