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World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination แปลไทยตอนที่ 123

| World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination | 611 | 2398 วันที่แล้ว
Chapter 123 Chapter 123 The newly recruited soldiers were lucky
บทที่ 123 บท 123 ทหารที่เพิ่งได้รับคัดเลือกเป็นคนโชคดี
Their training time was short but Xiao Yu had bestowed best armor and weapons to them
เวลาการฝึกของพวกเขาสั้น แต่ Xiao Yu ได้มอบชุดเกราะและอาวุธที่ดีที่สุดแก่พวกเขา
The equipment produced by the human blacksmith shop from the base was much more better in terms of defense and flexible in comparison to equipment that could be bought in this world
Moreover, Uther had already blessed them which increased their strength
They could be considered elites in terms of strength alone
However, they lacked the main thing which was the bloodshed of the real wars
    The bandit leaders weren’t like Xiao Yu
Some smart ones would always focus on getting better equipment for their underlings
But most of them relied on the number of their underlings to steal and plunder
Equipment meant money
Xiao Yu had spent millions of gold coins to purchase those
Xiao Yu ใช้เหรียญทองเป็นล้านเหรียญในการซื้อ
Actually, war was all about money
    Xiao Yu was more than aware that the number of his troops was low
Xiao Yu ตระหนักดีว่ากองทหารของเขาอยู่ในระดับต่ำ
But it didn’t mean that he could recruit more soldiers just like that as there was no one to command the soldiers
He didn’t want to have a messy army
All he wanted was an elite army
    Countless bandits rushed towards the town to collect the heads of Xiao Yu’s soldiers
A head meant golden coins for them
However, they were met with sharp swords and tough armors
The bandits couldn’t withstand the attacks of the soldiers that had 60% increase in strength
โจรไม่สามารถทนต่อการโจมตีของทหารที่มีกำลังเพิ่มขึ้น 60%
    In addition, orcs were blessed by Thrall too
นอกจากนี้ Orcs ได้รับพรจาก Thrall ด้วย
How could bandits could climb up? The tragic battle continued
The bandits died but Xiao Yu’s army had casualties too
พวกโจรเสียชีวิต แต่กองทัพของเสี่ยวหู่ก็เสียชีวิตด้วย
Nevertheless, the long-range weapons still continued to kill countless bandits
The bandits were too much in quantity and their eyes were covered with the rewards so they just kept charging on
    Xiao Yu sighed as he stood on top of the walls and observed the battle
Xiao Yu ถอนหายใจขณะที่เขายืนอยู่ด้านบนของกำแพงและสังเกตการสู้รบ
It was shocking to see tens of thousands of people charge and fight just like that
    He thought that the war would take a lot of time unless they had automatic machine guns
The enemy had almost 100,000 bandits
ศัตรูมีโจรเกือบ 100,000 คน
It would take almost a day to cut their heads off if the bandits stood still without moving
How long it would take to kill so many people without having intense fire? The number of soldiers was a great factor in victory or defeat
Clausewitz had mentioned that the most important condition for the war was the advantage in terms of quantity
Clausewitz ได้กล่าวว่าเงื่อนไขที่สำคัญที่สุดสำหรับสงครามเป็นข้อได้เปรียบในแง่ของปริมาณ
Nevertheless, it was a superficial advantage which was used to demoralize the enemy
Therefore, Xiao Yu needed elite soldiers
เพราะฉะนั้น Xiao Yu จึงต้องการทหารชั้นสูง
He needed talented commanders and leaders
    The casualties from Xiao Yu’s side occurred because the recruits were newbies and made a lot of mistakes
ผู้บาดเจ็บจากทาง Xiao Yu เกิดขึ้นเพราะการรับสมัครเป็นมือใหม่และทำผิดพลาดมาก
They had best equipment and higher terrain which meant that normally it would be hard to be injured in such case
    The losses from the side of bandits was much more
    There were more than 6,000 bandits who were killed up to now
มีโจรกว่า 6,000 คนที่ถูกสังหารจนถึงบัดนี้
The main force that killed the bandits were grunts and elf archers
    Footmen, riflemen, the newly recruited soldiers, ballistas, Demolishers and Glaive Throwers didn’t kill as much as grunts and elves
ทหารรักษาการณ์ทหารที่ได้รับคัดเลือกใหม่ ballistas, รื้อและ Glaive โยนไม่ได้ฆ่าเท่าที่ grunts และแถน
    Xiao Yu didn’t have many Demolishers and Glaive Throwers
Xiao Yu ไม่มีเครื่องรื้อถอนและเครื่องร่อนของ Glaive จำนวนมาก
If he had hundred of them then the firepower would be more intense and violent
He had just 10 Demolishers which had small scope of fire
เขามีเพียง 10 รื้อถอนที่มีขอบเขตขนาดเล็ก
    “I have to get merit points to upgrade my bases to second level…” Xiao Yu looked forward to the occasion
"ฉันต้องได้รับคะแนนบุญเพื่อยกระดับฐานของฉันไปสู่ระดับที่สอง ... " Xiao Yu หวังว่าจะได้มีโอกาส
If he had 100 Demolishers then then situation would be completely different
ถ้าเขามี 100 Demolishers แล้วสถานการณ์จะแตกต่างกันอย่างสิ้นเชิง
    The war continued on
The bandits continued to charge on while damages occurred from Xiao Yu’s side too
พวกโจรยังคิดค่าเสียหายต่อความเสียหายที่เกิดขึ้นจากฝั่ง Xiao Yu ด้วย
Xiao Yu ordered the seriously injured soldiers to be taken down for immediate treatment
He was using healing potions to save them as long as they had a breath of life
Moreover, injured veterans meant that they would cherish their lives and user their brains in the next battles
    Subaru’s eyes narrowed as he nodded while observing the battle
Everyone was going on as he expected except the strength of the Lion town
The bandits were constantly killed and he was waiting for the number to reduce to a certain level
Afterwards he would go to second phase of the plan
He would integrate all the bandits and destroy the Lion town
Nevertheless, he was surprised and a bit annoyed by the strength of the Lion town
According to the intelligence reports Lion town shouldn’t have so many soldiers
Moreover, it seemed as if all of them were elite soldiers but not newly recruited ones
ดูเหมือนว่าทุกคนจะเป็นทหารที่ดี แต่ไม่ได้รับคัดเลือกใหม่
    Subaru had decades of experience and knew how difficult it was to build an army of 10,000 elite soldiers
ซูบารุมีประสบการณ์หลายสิบปีและรู้ว่าการก่อสร้างทหาร 10,000 คนเป็นเรื่องยากแค่ไหน
According to Subaru it should have taken at least five or six years for a declining territory such as Lion territory to build such an army!     Moreover, he knew that it wouldn’t be an elite army but a regular one
The army would have to be baptized in wars to reach this level
It meant that the territory had to spend a lot of money on equipment and training
It was a complicated matter! So how did Lion town get millions of gold coins to get such an army? Where did Xiao Yu got them? Did he really robbed medium-sized bandit groups and got so much? Moreover, it was impossible to get such elite soldiers within a time-frame of one year
Did he hired mercenaries?     Subaru believed that it would be easy to kill Xiao Yu after he swallowed all the bandit camps
However, it seemed that he had to re-thing about the threat of Xiao Yu
อย่างไรก็ตามดูเหมือนว่าเขาจะต้องกังวลเกี่ยวกับการคุกคามของ Xiao Yu อีกครั้ง
    Subaru didn’t know that Xiao Yu earned that money through gambling and relied on bases to buy the equipment
Subaru ไม่ทราบว่า Xiao Yu ได้เงินจากการเล่นการพนันและอาศัยฐานเพื่อซื้ออุปกรณ์
Moreover, Xiao Yu was using a Paladin to bless the army
นอกจากนี้เสี่ยวหกำลังใช้ Paladin เพื่ออวยพรกองทัพ
Otherwise, the newly recruited soldiers would suffer in this war a lot
    In this era, the real blessing made by the Paladins was extinct
ในยุคนี้พระพรจริงที่ Paladins กำลังสูญพันธุ์
Right now the best Paladin’s could do was bless few persons to heal them at best
ตอนนี้สิ่งที่ดีที่สุดของ Paladin ก็คือการให้กำลังใจแก่คนไม่กี่คนในการรักษาให้ดีที่สุด
    Xiao Yu was able to create this situation by using strong heroes
Xiao Yu สามารถสร้างสถานการณ์นี้ได้โดยการใช้วีรบุรุษที่แข็งแกร่ง
He wouldn’t be able to achieve such success without bases
    “Attack! Attack!” Bandits shouted as they charged forward
Few bandits and warriors occupied a corned of the wall as they formed a bridgehead
It was a temporary stronghold for them
The newly recruited soldiers couldn’t withstand dozens of warriors that attacked them
The bandits rushed up when they saw a glimpse of chance
    At the same time Qin Che shouted: “First riflemen team! 2 o’clock! SET! FIRE!”     Bang~ Bang~ Bang~     The gun shots echoed as the corner occupied by the bandits was cleaned of them in a moment
ในเวลาเดียวกันฉิน Che ตะโกน: "ทีมนักรบคนแรก!
    The soldiers backed down the instant when the warriors shot up the wall
Immediately, the riflemen shot according to Qin Che’s order
ทันทีที่ยิงปืนไรเฟิลตามคำสั่งของ Qin Che
    “Second riflemen Team! 2 O’clock! SET! FIRE!” Qin Che commanded once again and gunshots echoed
    Bandits had never seen the rifles
They didn’t even know what occurred and how so many bandits died
The boarding to the wall was delayed by panic and death
At the same time
Grom and Xiao Yu used Heroic Leap to jump over to slaughter the ones that were still alive
Grom และ Xiao Yu ใช้ Heroic Leap เพื่อกระโดดลงไปสังหารคนที่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่
    Xiao Yu and Grom relieved the pressure on the newly recruited soldiers
Xiao Yu และ Grom ได้ปลดปล่อยแรงกดดันต่อทหารที่ได้รับคัดเลือกใหม่
Qin Che’s attack suppressed the bandits temporarily from boarding the top of the wall
At the same time, the recruits began to encircle the warriors too
    Tyrande was also backing them up with her bows
Tyrande ยังสนับสนุนพวกเขาด้วยธนูของเธอ
    The bandits saw that they couldn’t occupy a foothold on the bridge
But they believed that the balance of the war would sway towards them as soon as they got a firm foothold on the bridge
They saw that it was possible to get on top of the walls so they believed that there would be more opportunities
As a result, they continued with their madness
    The bandits were able to get to top of the walls two times more but on both occasions they were beaten back
พวกโจรสามารถขึ้นไปบนกำแพงได้ 2 ครั้ง แต่ทั้งสองครั้งพวกเขาถูกตีกลับ
Subaru made the charge stop by the afternoon
Subaru หยุดการทำงานในตอนบ่าย
    The bandits were tired and their moral was low
More than 14,000 bandits died while Xiao yu lost more than 1,000 newly recruited soldiers
มีผู้ถูกจับกุมมากกว่า 14,000 คนขณะที่นายเสี่ยวหยวนเสียชีวิตกว่า 1,000 คน
    The first battle was proof of the strength of the recruits but their lack of experience
การรบครั้งแรกเป็นการพิสูจน์ความแรงของการรับสมัคร แต่ขาดประสบการณ์
They had the best equipment and blessing from Paladin but they didn’t have experience to use their swords and spears the right way
พวกเขามีอุปกรณ์ที่ดีที่สุดและให้พรจาก Paladin แต่พวกเขาไม่ได้มีประสบการณ์ในการใช้ดาบและหอกของพวกเขาในทางที่ถูกต้อง
    Nevertheless, Xiao Yu was ecstatic as he was able to reach Major Sergeant level by the end of the battle
อย่างไรก็ตาม Xiao Yu ก็สุขสันต์ที่เขาสามารถไปถึงระดับจ่าสิบเอกเมื่อสิ้นสุดการสู้รบ
Now, he could upgrade his base to level two
ตอนนี้เขาสามารถอัพเกรดฐานของเขาเป็นระดับ 2