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The Avalon Of Five Elements แปลไทยตอนที่ 6

| The Avalon Of Five Elements | 447 | 2494 วันที่แล้ว
Chapter 6 Chapter 6: Success Translator: Irene  Editor: Lis Unlike the others who felt as though they were bound hand and foot, Ai Hui was like a fish in water, glad to be back in a familiar environment
บทที่ 6 บทที่ 6 นักแปลที่ประสบความสำเร็จ Irene Editor: Lis ไม่เหมือนกับคนอื่นที่รู้สึกราวกับว่าพวกเขาถูกผูกไว้กับมือและเท้า Ai Hui ก็เหมือนกับปลาในน้ำยินดีที่ได้กลับมาอยู่ในสภาพแวดล้อมที่คุ้นเคย
  In the Wilderness, darkness ruled
Numerous massacres and sneak attacks occurred quietly in that very darkness, seizing lives and warmth
การสังหารหมู่จำนวนมากและการแอบโจมตีเกิดขึ้นอย่างเงียบ ๆ ในความมืดมิดที่มีชีวิตและความอบอุ่น
Strength didn’t matter; the elementalists who were unable to adapt to the dark would not survive
  Ai Hui soon sensed a presence nearby—so close that he anticipated they would pass each other
ไอฮุนรู้ทันทีว่ามีอยู่ใกล้ ๆ ใกล้เคียงที่คาดว่าพวกเขาจะผ่านกันและกัน
  Initially, he had no intention of attacking
As long as he managed to hide and keep silent in a corner for five minutes, he could collect the prize money and leave because the rules stated that he would win as long as he persevered for five minutes without being defeated
ตราบเท่าที่เขาสามารถซ่อนตัวและเก็บเงียบ ๆ ไว้ได้เป็นเวลา 5 นาทีเขาสามารถรวบรวมเงินรางวัลและลาออกได้เนื่องจากกฎดังกล่าวระบุว่าเขาจะชนะได้ตราบใดที่เขายังคงอดทนอยู่ได้นานถึงห้านาทีโดยที่ไม่ต้องพ่ายแพ้
  It was, however, a matter of life and death in the Wilderness
No rules applied
  When Ai Hui realized that the situation was not as he had expected, he responded instinctively
เมื่อ Ai Hui ตระหนักว่าสถานการณ์ไม่เป็นไปตามที่เขาคาดไว้เขาตอบกลับตามสัญชาตญาณ
The opponent was dangerously close to him
If the opponent attacked, he wouldn’t be able to launch a counterattack
Ai Hui entered a flowing state and gauged the danger level using the terrifying dire beasts that lived in the Wilderness as a benchmark
He would never foolishly assume that the people around him would be unable to adapt to the darkness
  Countless life or death experiences had taught his body that when such situations arose, initiating an attack would give him a greater advantage
  His footsteps were light and graceful
Like a cat in the night, each step he took was absolutely noiseless
  His movements were very slow, to the point that not even the sound of wind could be heard
This was where Ai Hui’s rich experience came into play
นี่คือที่ที่ Ai Hui มีประสบการณ์มากมาย
Within the dark environment, each breath or sound was as piercing as a dazzling ray of light
  Silence was darkness’s best companion
  Ai Hui vaguely sensed his opponent’s position and gently advanced towards it
Ai Hui รู้สึกท่าทางของฝ่ายตรงข้ามและค่อยๆก้าวไปข้างหน้า
  He was in a highly anticipatory state
The flesh and muscles throughout his entire body were in a critical state, like a volcano on the verge of eruption
Nobody would have been able to discern this, however, from his external appearance
  Suddenly, he stopped and held his breath
    He was a seasoned hunter; he sensed that his prey had detected his presence
  He did not know how to describe this sense of awareness or where this intuition was based
There was no need for substantiation in the Wilderness
There was only victory or failure, life or death
  He stood in place like a statue, without a single movement
  On the other side, Shi Xueman smelled the faint trace of a dangerous odor
ในอีกด้านหนึ่ง Shi Xueman ได้กลิ่นร่องรอยของกลิ่นเหม็น
Although she wasn’t certain, it was enough to put her on guard
แม้ว่าเธอจะไม่แน่ใจ แต่ก็เพียงพอแล้วที่จะทำให้เธอปลอดภัย
She focused all her attention on the surroundings, vigilantly using her ears to capture any sounds
  The surroundings were very quiet as if there was only emptiness
  But somewhere a little further away, she could hear the breaths of a few people
Although they were suppressed, she managed to capture the noises
แม้ว่าพวกเขาจะถูกกักขัง แต่เธอก็สามารถจับเสียงได้
In fact, she heard someone tiptoeing quietly around her left side
ในความเป็นจริงเธอได้ยินเสียงคนเดินเบา ๆ ไปรอบ ๆ ด้านซ้ายของเธอ
  Inwardly she shook her head
At this point, any movement would lead to an attack
ณ จุดนี้การเคลื่อนไหวใด ๆ จะนำไปสู่การโจมตี
  Right then, about ten meters away, a cry of surprise and a stifled groan could be heard, followed by the collisions of intense punching and kicking
จากนั้นประมาณ 10 เมตรจะได้ยินเสียงร้องทุกข์และเสียงคร่ำครวญหลังจากที่เกิดการปะทุและเตะขึ้น
Soon, chaos took over that area
เร็ว ๆ นี้ความสับสนวุ่นวายเข้ามาในพื้นที่นั้น
p>   Shi Xueman mentally heaved a sigh of relief
p> Shi Xueman จิตใจถอนหายใจด้วยความโล่งอก
It seemed it was an illusion
There was no one within a three-meter radius from where she stood
  Fighting in the dark was indeed very different
  Shi Xueman felt stimulated by such an unfamiliar battle
Shi Xueman รู้สึกกระตุ้นด้วยการต่อสู้ที่ไม่คุ้นเคยเช่นนี้
Her nerves tensed up like never before
Her perception of the surroundings was also unprecedentedly acute
If she could keep this up, her fighting abilities would take a qualitative leap
  Before her eyes unfolded a path she had never seen before
  She felt like a hunter hidden within the shadows, waiting for the best opportunity to strike
Confidence bubbled up within her
Under such a high level of alertness, even the slightest change in her surroundings could not escape her
  While she was preoccupied with this fresh experience, she suddenly felt something brush against her shoulder
  It broke her reverie and made her hair stand on end
She had not moved, so why would she bump into anything?   Someone was close by! She’d been unable to detect anything—a presence, a sound, even a change in airflow
A chill shot up her spine
  Her reaction was too slow however
Even as she finally realized the danger, it was already too late
  When Shi Xueman had been lost in her thoughts earlier, the statue-like Ai Hui made his move
เมื่อ Shi Xueman เสียชีวิตในความคิดของเธอก่อนหน้ารูปปั้นเช่น Ai Hui ทำให้เขาย้าย
He moved excruciatingly slowly, even more so than a ninety-year-old lady
เขาขยับตัวช้า ๆ เรื่อย ๆ ยิ่งกว่าผู้หญิงที่อายุเก้าสิบกว่า
He advanced with his five fingers carefully extended, grasping and exploring the area before him
เขายกขึ้นด้วยนิ้วห้านิ้วของเขาอย่างระมัดระวังขยาย, โลภและสำรวจพื้นที่ก่อนที่เขา
His body leaned forward slightly, with the flesh and muscles in his body all ready to make a lunge
ร่างกายของเขาเอียงไปข้างหน้าเล็กน้อยเนื้อและกล้ามเนื้อในร่างกายของเขาทั้งหมดพร้อมที่จะทำ lunge
  With Ai Hui’s high level of concentration, he blocked out the battle noises from close by and remained completely unaffected
ด้วยความเข้มข้นระดับสูงของ Ai Hui เขาจึงปิดเสียงการต่อสู้จากข้างในและยังคงไม่สะทกสะท้าน
All his attention was on his fingertips
He knew that if he came into contact with someone, the battle would be over in a blink of an eye
Victory or defeat, the result would be pronounced at this moment
  The moment his fingers felt an obstruction, Ai Hui launched an attack without hesitation
ขณะที่นิ้วมือของเขารู้สึกลำบาก Ai Hui เปิดตัวการโจมตีโดยไม่ลังเล
  With knees slightly bent and tendons creating a burst of energy, his body sprang forward with lightning speed like a nimble and fierce cheetah
The sensation beneath his fingertips became more solid, his rich experience leading him to deduce that he had touched his opponent’s shoulder
  When Shi Xueman responded by violently lunging forward to push against his attack, she lost her balance on the spot, and her body tumbled towards the ground
เมื่อ Shi Xueman ตอบโต้โดยการเดินอย่างรุนแรงไปข้างหน้าเพื่อผลักดันการโจมตีของเขาเธอสูญเสียความสมดุลของเธอในจุดและร่างกายของเธอร่วงลงไปที่พื้น
Her left hand, which had been ready to counterattack, lost effectiveness as she instinctively reached out to regain balance
  However, her arm became entangled with his, locked into a vicious attack that numbed her right arm
  The attack that completely suppressed her did not stop there
Shi Xueman was greatly shocked as her opponent’s body wrapped around hers like a snake
Shi Xueman ตกใจอย่างมากเมื่อร่างกายของฝ่ายตรงข้ามห่อหุ้มเธอเหมือนงู
His body pressed up against her back tightly like an octopus
His legs were like thick and solid steel wires
They extended to her front and held onto her legs as his toes clasped onto her calves like a metal lock
  Never in her life had Shi Xueman had such close contact with a man
ไม่เคยมีชีวิตอยู่ใน Shi Xueman มีการติดต่อใกล้ชิดกับชายคนนั้น
However, at that point, there were no butterflies in her stomach
There was only fear
Deep fear
  The tough body lock made her feel like a fish caught in a net, lacking the power to struggle
She wanted to remove the Suppression Bracelet, but her limbs were clamped tightly, unable to budge
เธอต้องการถอดสายรัดข้อมือออก แต่แขนขาของเธอแน่นและไม่สามารถขยับได้
She didn’t hear him gasping for breath either, not even the rise and fall of his breaths
The ice-cold silence caused her great fear
She felt as if she was being attacked by a lifeless machine, and its steel cables had wrapped themselves around her
Her terror surged when she felt her opponent slowly tightening his grip
  She smelled death
  The intense fear and her strong will to live made her struggle with unprecedented strength
  Hair continuously swept across her mask where beneath it, her eyes were shut, her face grim and unfeeling
It was normal
Even a beast would struggle its hardest before death, how much more so would a human
  The fight wasn’t over yet
It was now a battle of wisdom and tenacity
  His grip on her slightly slipped
  Upon realizing that her struggle was taking effect, Shi Xueman’s body wriggled even more intensely
เมื่อตระหนักว่าการต่อสู้ของเธอกำลังเกิดขึ้นร่างกายของ Shi Xueman งอตัวรุนแรงขึ้น
  Ai Hui was like a hard-hearted hunter, steadily pressing down onto the main joints of the prey’s body, letting it struggle and waste its energy
When the prey eventually runs of out strength, it was time for it to die
  Soon enough, Shi Xueman ran out of breath and sweat started pouring from her body
เร็ว ๆ นี้ Shi Xueman วิ่งออกมาจากลมหายใจและเหงื่อไหลออกจากร่างกายของเธอ
She could feel her strength rapidly reducing
As she grew more and more tired, her opponent’s grip became tighter and tighter
  At this moment, she awoke from her fear
  She regained a small measure of composure
The results from years of tough trainings was immediately displayed
She’d been born into a large and honorable clan and experienced many things since childhood
Initially, she had lost control of her mind and body because of her momentary panic, but now that she had recovered from it, she hurriedly created a countermeasure
ตอนแรกเธอสูญเสียการควบคุมจิตใจและร่างกายของเธอเพราะความหวาดกลัวชั่วขณะของเธอ แต่ตอนนี้ที่เธอฟื้นตัวขึ้นจากเรื่องนี้เธอรีบสร้างมาตรการตอบโต้
  A bizarre ray of light flashed, the elemental energy within Shi Xueman beginning to operate
รังสีมหัศจรรย์ของแสงกระพริบพลังงานจากธาตุภายใน Shi Xueman เริ่มต้นทำงาน
Her body that had been bound tightly suddenly trembled
  This slight tremble was not as aggressive as the struggle she had put up earlier, but the energy it released was so great that it far exceeded previous attempts to break free
การสั่นสะเทือนเล็กน้อยนี้ไม่รุนแรงเท่าการต่อสู้ที่เธอได้วางไว้ก่อนหน้านี้ แต่พลังงานที่ปล่อยออกมานั้นยอดเยี่ยมมากจนเกินความพยายามก่อนหน้านี้ที่จะปลดปล่อยให้เป็นอิสระ
  Ai Hui only felt a shocking amount of force penetrating his body before his limbs became numb, causing him to nearly let go of her
Ai Hui รู้สึกถึงแรงตกใจที่ทะลุเข้าไปในร่างกายของเขาก่อนที่แขนขาของเขาจะมึนงงทำให้เขาเกือบจะปล่อยมือของเธอ
  Danger!   His prey had skills beyond his expectations
As soon as his mind recognized the precarious situation, his body reacted accordingly
WIthout a moment of hesitation, his left forearm that had been holding onto his target rose up like a viper
With lightning speed, his fingers opened up and reached for his target’s throat
  Unlike the slow, silent hunting from earlier, this move made a sharp crack and was quick like lightning
ไม่เหมือนการล่าสัตว์ที่ช้าและเงียบ ๆ จากก่อนหน้านี้การเคลื่อนไหวนี้ทำให้เกิดรอยร้าวคมและรวดเร็วเหมือนฟ้าผ่า
  Shi Xueman’s heart trembled, and sweat started pouring from her body once again
หัวใจของ Shi Xueman สั่นและเหงื่อไหลออกจากร่างกายของเธออีกครั้ง
She had no doubt this claw on her throat was going to leave five bruises
  Luckily when her opponent let go of her arm, she was given an opportunity to resist
Her delicate, snow-white arm swung out like a pendulum, blocking her throat without the least bit of delay
  Boom!   The force of impact brought acute pains to her wrists
She jolted backwards but could not dodge completely
เธอเขย่าไปข้างหลัง แต่ไม่สามารถหลบได้อย่างสมบูรณ์
Her throat tightened as black flashed across her eyes with impending unconsciousness
Yet, she knew that no matter how difficult it was, she had to resist
She was resolute in her fight
Ignoring the burning pain of her neck, she used the only mobile part of her body—her wrists—to block off her opponent’s violent attacks
ไม่สนใจความเจ็บปวดจากคอของเธอเธอใช้มือถือเพียงส่วนหนึ่งของร่างกาย - ข้อมือของเธอเพื่อป้องกันการโจมตีอย่างรุนแรงของฝ่ายตรงข้าม
  This defensive move was one she was most familiar with from practice
Although her opponent’s attacks were sharp, she managed to block them nevertheless
ถึงแม้ว่าการโจมตีของฝ่ายตรงข้ามของเธอก็คม แต่เธอก็สามารถสกัดกั้นพวกเขาได้
  Moreover, she quickly found a possible weakness, but she wasn’t sure
นอกจากนี้เธอได้อย่างรวดเร็วพบจุดอ่อนที่เป็นไปได้ แต่เธอก็ไม่แน่ใจ
  Until now, he had not utilized the elemental energy within his body
Was he holding back, or was it too weak? She couldn’t be sure
  Shi Xueman’s tenacity led Ai Hui to feel a stronger sense of emergency
แรงเสียดสีของ Shi Xueman ทำให้ Ai Hui รู้สึกถึงเหตุฉุกเฉินที่รุนแรงขึ้น
Instinctively, he launched an even more intense and murderous attack
  The heart!   A blow to any enemy’s heart would render them defenseless
  But first, he needed to remove his opponent’s armor
To him, that was not a major problem
He learned to unfasten armor and untie ropes in the Wilderness
The barbarians wore rough and sturdy armor with ropes that often could not be damaged by even swords
Only a certain technique could undo the knots from a dead barbarian’s body armor, which had been an important part of his job
  With his right hand, he quickly and quietly loosened the ropes that held her armor together
If anyone had witnessed that scene, they would not have been able to detect any pauses in his finger movements at all
  Like a slippery loach invading into her armor, his right hand felt another knot
He untied it without any further thought; any protective layer was an obstruction for him
  Upon touching his opponent’s skin, a lethal glint appeared in his eyes as his murderous instinct kicked in and burned fiercely
His five fingers formed a claw and speedily pinned down against his opponent’s chest where the heart was located
  Yet at the last moment, he recalled that this was not the Wilderness; he was fighting for the 50000 yuan prize money
Instead he decided to first suppress his opponent’s vital points
If she continued to resist, she had better not blame him for being relentless because then he would not hesitate to kill
  Boom!   Target hit!   He could clearly feel the body in his arms, which had been resisting earlier, become rigid
  Eh? In the dark, Ai Hui had a keener sense of touch
Suspicion arose
  This… does not… feel… quite right
นี้ ... ไม่ ... รู้สึก ... ถูกต้อง