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The Avalon Of Five Elements แปลไทยตอนที่ 150

| The Avalon Of Five Elements | 445 | 2496 วันที่แล้ว
Chapter 150: Blood-red Ripple “It should be around here
บทที่ 150: ระลอกคลื่นเลือดแดง "ควรจะอยู่ตรงนี้
Search carefully, everyone
” Qiao Hua’s voice was hoarse and his appearance disheveled, but he still exuded a sense of confidence and good spirits
"เสียงของ Qiao Hua นั้นแหบแห้งและรูปร่างหน้าตาของเขากระเซอะกระเซิง แต่เขายังคงรู้สึกมั่นใจและมีจิตใจที่ดี
His gaze kept its confidence and steadiness while his face had a morbidly excited red blush
Only the corners of his eyes displayed his fatigue
Everyone knew that Qiao Hua was bearing a heavy burden
ทุกคนรู้ว่า Qiao Hua แบกรับภาระหนัก
The blood catastrophe situation was rapidly deteriorating
There were sightings of blood fiends in many cities
Due to the emergency, the ones deeper in the Garden of Life were pressed by a heavy atmosphere
Even the areas that had been burned still had blood-red sprouts growing from the charred ground
The blood plants had a resilient vitality, instilling fear in everyone
The blood fiends were getting stronger
Just seven days ago, they were hit by a sneak attack from a blood wolf, causing three deaths and six injured
This was the first instance of severe injuries and death received since they entered the Garden of Life
The blood wolf was a strong but cunning dire beast that quickly became everyone’s nightmare
หมาป่าเลือดเป็นสัตว์ร้ายที่น่าเกรงขาม แต่กระปรี้กระเปร่าอย่างรวดเร็วกลายเป็นฝันร้ายของทุกคน
Since then, the troop had become startled by the smallest things
Their caution, however, did not improve their situation
They began to suffer continuous attacks from different blood fiends, increasing the number of casualties
This further strengthened their belief that they were traveling in the correct direction
Qiao Hua continued to command them deeper into the Garden of Life while praying for divine intervention
Qiao Hua ยังคงสั่งให้พวกเขาเข้าไปในสวนแห่งชีวิตในขณะที่อธิษฐานเผื่อการแทรกแซงของพระเจ้า
The burdens in Qiao Hua’s heart increased, but he continued to encourage himself, saying that this was the best option to take
ภาระของหัวใจของ Qiao Hua เพิ่มขึ้น แต่เขายังคงสนับสนุนตัวเองและบอกว่านี่เป็นทางเลือกที่ดีที่สุด
As long as they discovered the first blood tree, they would be able to find a solution
The blood poison could not be dealt with using ordinary ideas, which was evident from the blood grass that was growing from the charred soil
They sprouted at an astonishing rate
Only a few days had passed, and the blood grass had already grown past their kneecaps
The fire, intended to prevent the spread of the blood poisoning, aided it in becoming stronger instead
Qiao Hua examined the newly grown blood grass and realized that the blood poison in them was slightly different from the one gathered in his initial investigations
Qiao Hua ตรวจสอบหญ้าที่โตขึ้นและตระหนักว่าสารพิษในเลือดแตกต่างจากที่เคยพบในการสืบสวนครั้งแรก
Layers upon layers of transformations had taken place, and the blood poison became increasingly formidable—to the point that Qiao Hua experienced fear
ชั้นบนชั้นของการแปลงเกิดขึ้นและยาพิษของเลือดกลายเป็นสิ่งที่น่าเกรงขามมากขึ้นไปจนถึงจุดที่นาย Qiao Hua รู้สึกกลัว
He did not express his worries and fears, knowing that the troop’s morale was undergoing some subtle changes
Everyone was tense and strained as they had yet to find the blood tree left behind by Si Nan
Furthermore, the continuous escalating attacks by the blood fiends and the loss of their people made their confidence in Qiao Hua waver
นอกจากนี้การโจมตีที่ทวีความรุนแรงขึ้นอย่างต่อเนื่องของเลือดนรกและความสูญเสียของคนของพวกเขาทำให้พวกเขามีความเชื่อมั่นใน Qiao Hua waver
The loss of confidence and intensifying insecurity made them extremely weak
Qiao Hua’s resolute nature showed itself; he did not have the least bit of hesitation and held on to his determination
He believed his conjecture was correct and was not the least bit swayed
เขาเชื่อว่าการคาดเดาของเขาถูกต้องและไม่น้อยอย่างน้อย swayed
Everyone dispersed to seek out the potential target
Si Nan’s notes were decades old; since his time, there had been many changes in the Induction Ground
Even the geological landscape had noticeable differences
Furthermore, the notes had been organized by Si Nan’s students, and so many details were indistinct and unclear
After analyzing the notes, Qiao Hua had jotted down a few potential locations
หลังจากวิเคราะห์โน้ตแล้ว Qiao Hua ได้จดบันทึกตำแหน่งที่อาจเป็นไปได้
Most of the people were in low spirits and were not encouraged by Qiao Hua’s words since their previous searches had proved to be fruitless
คนส่วนใหญ่ยังรู้สึกไม่สบายใจและไม่ได้รับการสนับสนุนจากคำพูดของ Qiao Hua เนื่องจากการค้นหาครั้งก่อน ๆ ของพวกเขาได้รับการพิสูจน์แล้วว่าไร้ผล
Everyone maintained their patience out of respect for Qiao Hua’s high rank
ทุกคนคงไว้ซึ่งความอดทนต่อความเคารพในอันดับสูงของ Qiao Hua
Their tolerance, however, was running thin
ความอดทนของพวกเขา แต่ก็วิ่งบาง
Some of the troop members were starting suspect whether Si Nan’s notes were real
“Found it!”An agitated voice suddenly rang out, and everyone involuntarily paused in their movements
"พบแล้ว!" เสียงดังกึกก้องก็โผล่ออกมาและทุกคนก็หยุดพักชั่วคราวในการเคลื่อนไหวของพวกเขา
After a moment of silence, they erupted in cheers
Everyone rushed towards the loud shout
Qiao Hua’s knees went soft
หัวเข่าของ Qiao Hua นุ่มนวล
He no longer cared about his image and plopped butt-first onto the ground
He looked utterly exhausted
He did not think that their journey would have been met with so many mishaps, nor did he predict the blood poison to have worsened so rapidly
The burden he shouldered had been heavy beyond expectation
ภาระที่เขา shouldered ได้รับหนักเกินความคาดหมาย
The blood catastrophe had worsened with a swiftness outside of anybody’s expectations, even Qiao Hua’s
ความหายนะในเลือดเลวร้ายยิ่งกว่าความคาดหวังของใคร ๆ แม้แต่ Qiao Hua
There were rumors of displeasure from the elders who had been persuaded by him
The winner takes all while the loser is left with nothing
If he could successfully resolve the blood disaster, then he would rapidly become the hero of the Induction Grounds—no, of the entire Avalon of Five Elements
ถ้าเขาสามารถประสบความสำเร็จในการแก้ไขปัญหาความหายนะในเลือดได้แล้วเขาก็จะกลายเป็นฮีโร่ของ Induction Grounds อย่างรวดเร็วไม่ใช่ของทั้ง Avalon of Five Elements
To him, this was critical
As long as he succeeded, his population would be elevated to unprecedented heights
Always, he had hoped and longed for such a chance
His ambitious nature had been stirred since long ago
They finally found it…
ในที่สุดพวกเขาก็พบว่า ...
As long as they found the blood tree, he was halfway to success
This implied that there would be a feast for them soon
นี่แสดงให้เห็นว่าจะมีงานฉลองสำหรับพวกเขาเร็ว ๆ นี้
It would be one of celebration, the best reward he could ever get
The courage he invested would soon reap numerous rewards
ความกล้าหาญที่เขาลงทุนเร็ว ๆ นี้จะเก็บเกี่ยวผลตอบแทนมากมาย
He could almost envision his name in the river of history, praised by millions of people
He did not know where he got the strength from, but he stood and walked towards the group of people
เขาไม่รู้ว่าเขาได้รับพลังจากที่ไหน แต่เขายืนและเดินไปทางกลุ่มคน
The crowd automatically parted to form a path, like the welcoming of a crowned victor
With a steady pace, Qiao Hua held his head up high
ด้วยจังหวะที่คงที่ Qiao Hua ยกศีรษะขึ้นสูง
The gazes that turned his way were no longer filled with doubt and suspicion but instead were of adoration and respect
จ้องมองที่หันหน้าไปทางของเขาไม่ได้เต็มไปด้วยข้อสงสัยและความสงสัยอีกต่อไป แต่เป็นการเคารพและเคารพ
Finding the blood tree was evidence of Qiao Hua’s correct theory
They all believed that they would soon witness the destruction of the blood disaster
พวกเขาทั้งหมดเชื่อว่าพวกเขาเร็ว ๆ นี้จะได้เห็นการทำลายความหายนะในเลือด
Most of them were overcome with emotion
Qiao Hua did not let the success go to his head
Qiao Hua ไม่ให้ความสำเร็จไปที่หัวของเขา
Instead, he calmed himself and approached the blood tree
After regaining his absolute tranquility, he inspected the blood tree carefully
After four hundred years of growth, the sapling had grown into an ancient tree of the firmament
Not an inch of grass grew within a perimeter of fifty meters
The top of the tree was thick and scarlet red like the evening maple in late autumn; it was breathtaking
Qiao Hua, however, did not raise his head
อย่างไรก็ตามนาย Qiao Hua ไม่ได้เงยหน้าขึ้น
His gaze was fixated on the black streaks on the tree trunk
The dull-red tree trunk was covered with black patterns like a totem from the ancient times
It exuded an indescribable gloom and evil
“Teacher, what is this black decorative design?” Qiao Hua’s student gathered up his courage and asked
"ครูนี่คือการออกแบบตกแต่งสีดำอะไร?" นักเรียนของ Qiao Hua รวบรวมความกล้าหาญและถาม
“Blood traces
” Qiao Hua did not move his gaze
Qiao Hua ไม่ได้ขยับตัว
His finger ran lightly across the black patters as he continued, “During the Cultivation Era, it was a taboo in blood-refinement
นิ้วของเขาวิ่งเบา ๆ ในขณะที่เขาเดินต่อไป "ในช่วงยุคการเพาะปลูกมันเป็นข้อห้ามในการปรับแต่งเลือด
Very few know about this now
Senior Si Nan’s extensive knowledge in blood-refined techniques was startling
” The people’s expressions changed to one of admiration
Teacher Qiao was indeed erudite
ครู Qiao น่าขัน
In their eyes, blood-refined techniques were mysterious and unfamiliar
Much of their understanding about the subject touched only upon objects used during the techniques
To them, the teachers who pursued research in the bizarre such as objects of blood-refinement were like valuable
The rusty entrance was locked and covered with gray dust—a treasure left behind by the Cultivation Era
ทางเข้าที่เป็นสนิมถูกล็อคและปกคลุมด้วยฝุ่นสีเทา - สมบัติที่ทิ้งไว้ข้างหลังโดยยุคการเพาะปลูก
It could be worth less than a penny, or it could change the world
To date, this door remained locked tight, and nobody had managed to open it
While blood-refined objects were not destroyed, nobody was able to use or find anything wondrous about them
The long history and experience left behind by the Cultivation Era was unimaginable for the people of the Avalon of Five Elements after all
ประวัติศาสตร์อันยาวนานและประสบการณ์ที่ทิ้งไว้ข้างหลังยุคการเพาะปลูกเป็นไปไม่ได้สำหรับคนของ Avalon of Five Elements หลังจากทั้งหมด
Even objects left behind by the mysterious and neglected blood-refined technique were not rare to see
Apart from Ai Hui’s Blood Bandage, which was made of a special material, most of the objects were considered useless and placed in a corner to collect dust
นอกเหนือจากผ้าพันแผลเลือดของ Ai Hui ซึ่งทำจากวัสดุพิเศษแล้ววัตถุส่วนใหญ่ถือว่าไร้ประโยชน์และวางไว้ในมุมเพื่อเก็บฝุ่น
Only those with special uses were kept
Everyone held their breath, not daring to exhale
Qiao Hua’s expression became bewitched
การแสดงออกของ Qiao Hua เริ่มหลงเสน่ห์
The more he understood, the more he sensed the coordination, power, and beauty in the blood traces on the tree trunk
It was as though he gazed into the sea of history of the Cultivation Era
In this humble corner was a fascinating blood-colored cloud that while not formidable, had never been destroyed or gone extinct
What an era that people would yearn for! Qiao Hua’s thoughts wandered far and away
He could not imagine the vastness of the Cultivation Era
To think that the blood-refined techniques, fit only to be on the sidelines, had not yet gone extinct
And it set off such shocking waves
He remained in a befuddled state for a moment before regaining his senses
Strength and confidence returned to his body once more
Perhaps blood-refined techniques used to be formidable, but now the times had changed
บางทีเทคนิคการกลั่นกรองเลือดก็น่ากลัว แต่ตอนนี้เวลาเปลี่ยนไปแล้ว
It was an era of elemental energy, and it was his era
“Number seven medicine!” he confidently said to his students
"ยาหมายเลขเจ็ด!" เขามั่นใจกับนักเรียนของเขา
The rattan basket that was being carried by a student suddenly wiggled, and the sticks forming the basket separated to expose the contents within
ตะกร้าหวายที่กำลังดำเนินการโดยนักเรียนจู่ ๆ ก็คดเคี้ยวและไม้กั้นไว้เพื่อแยกเนื้อหาออกจากกัน
In it were flower pods hanging from rattan sticks, and each pod was labeled with a number
Finding the number seven flower bud, he inserted a thread of elemental energy
The flower bud slowly blossomed
Inside, a crystal-clear bamboo joint containing a black liquid appeared before everyone
It was difficult to breed crystal bamboo joints as their rate of growth was slow
As such, they tended to be on the pricier side and were used to store precious medications
เป็นเช่นนั้นพวกเขามักจะอยู่ในด้านที่ pricier และถูกนำมาใช้เพื่อเก็บยาที่มีค่า
The student gingerly took out the crystal bamboo joint
The black liquid medicine inside was like black lava
Even with the bamboo joint containing it, everyone could feel the heat waves
Qiao Hua’s confidence was not without basis
ความเชื่อมั่นของ Qiao Hua ไม่ใช่พื้นฐาน
He had thoroughly studied every detail in Si Nan’s notes to purposefully creating several types of liquid medicines for different contingencies
For now, the situation was still within his control, and he was sufficiently prepared
“Everyone, retreat by fifty meters,” he commanded gravely
"ทุกคนถอยไปห้าสิบเมตร" เขาสั่งอย่างสุภาพ
Without any objections, everyone quickly retreated by fifty meters
โดยไม่มีการคัดค้านใด ๆ ทุกคนรีบถอยหลังโดยห้าสิบเมตร
They widened their eyes, afraid to miss out on any details
This would surely be an unforgettable moment in their entire lives
The fearful blood disaster was finally going to meet its end
Qiao Hua took a deep breath and surprisingly felt slightly nervous
Qiao Hua สูดลมหายใจเข้าลึก ๆ และตื่นตระหนกเล็กน้อย
After careful consideration, he was confident that he had considered all aspects
His gaze became determined
He cautiously removed the cap of the crystal bamboo
An unpleasant odor gushed out
Without a change in expression, he overturned it along the blood traces on the tree trunk
The last drop of black medicine dripped out from the crystal bamboo and permeated through the tree trunk
Qiao Hua had a relieved expression
Qiao Hua แสดงออกอย่างนุ่มนวล
The medication that he came up with was the bane of the blood poison
It could be considered to be another form of toxin that would directly counteract against the blood poisoning
It would spread in the same way, and there was no escape for anything already infected
The branches exhibited signs of blackening
Qiao Hua became excited; it was going to start!The black color began to spread, and the leaves fell in succession
Qiao Hua เริ่มตื่นเต้น;
All around them, the blood-red leaves descended and swirled like falling snow
Qiao Hua gave a hearty laugh
Qiao Hua ให้เสียงหัวเราะมากมาย
Oh, what a pretty sight!In a flash, the ancient tree was barren without any leaves on it
โอ้สิ่งที่เห็นได้ชัด! ในชั่วพริบตาต้นไม้โบราณก็แห้งแล้งโดยไม่มีใบใด ๆ เลย
Qiao Hua was pleased with himself when out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of a dried-up twig
Qiao Hua พอใจกับตัวเองเมื่อมองจากมุมหนึ่งเขาเห็นสายตาแห้ง
His pupils constricted, his expression frozen in place
A newly grown sprout that was even more sparkling with a brighter red tint
W ...
He stared blankly at what had been bare branches that were now filled with new sprouts that were blood-red and growing at an astonishing speed
In the blink of an eye, the treetop was completely filled, similar to a bewitching sea of blood
Without warning, the blood-red grass fifty meters away began to grow rapidly
In the midst of the surprised shouts and screams, it was like a paranormal beast with its ferocious maws wide open
The blood-red ripple expanded outwards at an alarming speed