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The Undying Drama แปลไทยตอนที่ 26

| The Undying Drama | 477 | 2495 วันที่แล้ว
Chapter 26 The Undying Drama Chapter 26: The Battle of the Giant Worm In that instant, Mo Chuan pulled me into an embrace and leaped into the air while cradling me
บทที่ 26 The Undying Drama บทที่ 26: การต่อสู้กับหนอนยักษ์ในช่วงเวลานั้นโมชวนดึงผมเข้าสู่กอดและกระโดดขึ้นไปในอากาศ
As he did so, I caught sight of the creature that left those marks throughout the forest
  It was a giant worm the size of a train
As it tunneled through the trees, a pair of red feelers locked in on us
On both sides of its body were a total of four pairs of spider leg-like appendages; which helped balance its massive worm-like body
As it did so, it barely left any tracks on the ground
  This prehistoric creature looked almost like a centipede except for the fact that where its head was supposed to be, was replaced with a pair of spider legs and a mouth
  As it opened its disgusting mouth, it revealed multiple rows of fangs
From its mouth emitted a thunderous chittering sound similar to a meat grinder
  ??: *hzzt!!*   And then there was this terrifying sound it made
: * hzzt !! * แล้วมีเสียงที่น่ากลัว
Shouldn’t you be in some horror movie right now!?   Di Qi Ju: That
what’s that?!   Mo Chuan: Haven’t seen it before
It might be some undiscovered creature
  Mo Chuan replied with a surprisingly calm voice
With a forceful kick of his leg, he launched himself into the air once more right after landing
On top of his usual display of strength, the Mo Chuan before me exuded an even greater aura of stalwartness
ด้านบนของการแสดงความแข็งแรงตามปกติของเขา Mo Chuan ก่อนที่ฉัน exuded aura ยิ่งใหญ่กว่าของกำยำ
  Mo Chuan: His body is too huge, I can’t win
Mo Chuan: ร่างกายของเขาใหญ่เกินไปฉันไม่สามารถชนะได้
Mo Chuan: Hopefully, his brain is merely at the level of a worm, in which case we should be fine just by running away until it loses interest
Mo Chuan: หวังว่าสมองของเขาอยู่ในระดับของหนอนเท่านั้นซึ่งในกรณีนี้เราควรจะปรับตัวได้โดยการวิ่งหนีไปจนกว่าจะสูญเสียความสนใจ
  Immediately to my left hand side was the steep cliff face and on my right was the dense woodlands
  As Mo Chuan weaved his way in between the two, he leaped, swung and grabbed with his three remaining limbs as he made his way through any obstacles in an acrobatic display similar to that of a wild beast
His last remaining limb secured me to his waist like those chests he carried during the test
  If it wasn’t for the fact that my face was currently staring at that giant worm, I would’ve protested my current treatment and status
As I looked at the unknown terror relentlessly closing in on us, a chill ran down my spine as I watched it crawl and leap its way towards us with the surrounding trees as a support-------   Di Qi Ju: Mo Chuan! We can’t escape into the woodlands! This creature can use the surrounding trees to launch itself forward!   Mo Chuan: So those marks on the trees
ขณะที่ฉันมองไปที่ความหวาดกลัวที่ไม่รู้จักไม่รู้จักเหน็ดเหนื่อยที่จะปิดตัวลงเมื่อเรารู้สึกหนาวสั่นวิ่งกระดูกสันหลังของฉันขณะที่ฉันเฝ้าดูมันคลานและเลี้ยวเข้าหาต้นไม้โดยรอบเพื่อสนับสนุน ------- Di Qi Ju: Mo Chuan
I got it
  While the worm still wasn’t able to catch up to us, who knows when it will actually give up
Furthermore, who knows how long the newly recovered Mo Chuan could last
นอกจากนี้ใครรู้ว่า Mo Chuan ที่ฟื้นคืนมามานานแค่ไหน
  Despite all these uncertainties, the only thing we could do now was run and hope for the best
  What should we do…   There must be some solution to this situation…   Shit
เราควรทำอย่างไร ... ต้องมีทางออกให้กับสถานการณ์เช่นนี้ ... อึ
my knowledge is useless right now
Other than relying on Mo Chuan, there’s nothing else I can do
นอกเหนือจากการพึ่งพิง Mo Chuan ไม่มีอะไรที่ฉันสามารถทำได้
  Mo Chuan:
Mo Chuan: Our luck is pretty terrible
Mo Chuan: โชคของเราแย่มาก
  Di Qi Ju:
Di Qi Ju:
?   As I turned around and looked at the direction of Mo Chuan’s gaze, I noticed the dense canopy of the woodlands closing in on us
The narrow pathway ahead was completely taken up by the woodlands
ทางเดินแคบ ๆ ข้างหน้าถูกยึดครองโดยป่า
  Mo Chuan: If we can’t enter the woodlands
Mo Chuan: ถ้าเราไม่สามารถเข้าไปในป่า
I’ll have to jump----!   Di Qi Ju:----!   As if we were on one of those amusement park rides, a sudden sense of weightlessness overtook me as Mo Chuan launched us into the air
ฉันจะต้องกระโดด ----!
It was an astonishing six to seven meter leap
  As we leaped over the dense canopy, the trees swiftly lowered themselves out of my line of sight as a breathtaking sea of foliage entered my vision
  What was even more breathtaking was the long insectoid legs of that creature swinging its train-like body into the air
สิ่งที่น่าทึ่งมากยิ่งขึ้นคือขา insectoid ยาวของสิ่งมีชีวิตที่แกว่งตัวรถไฟเหมือนในอากาศ
I stared at it in silent shock as my jaw fell to ground
What the hell…   Di Qi Ju: Mo Chuan… Di Qi Ju: That worm
อะไรนรก ... Di Qi Ju: Mo Chuan ... Di Qi Ju: หนอนที่
it seems to be better at jumping than crawling…   Mo Chuan: -----!?!?   *Kachak*----!   A dull pain filled my sides as a pair of sickle-like appendages bit into me, dragging me out from under Mo Chuan’s grasp
ดูเหมือนว่าจะดีกว่าการกระโดดกว่าการรวบรวมข้อมูล ... Mo Chuan: -----!?!?
My vision was immediately filled with the dark abyss of the worm’s mouth
It was at this moment that the two sickles tried to skewer me
  By now, my clothes were ripped up and what was left of them hung by the sides of the worm
Another crack rang out as I felt a dull pain and pressure on my sides
The sickle-like appendages closed in once more, but this time it threw me directly into its mouth
ส่วนที่เป็นเคียวคล้าย ๆ กันก็ปิดลงอีกครั้ง แต่คราวนี้มันโยนฉันเข้าไปในปากโดยตรง
  All this happened without me ever touching the ground…   *bang* *Kachak*
ทั้งหมดนี้เกิดขึ้นโดยที่ฉันไม่เคยสัมผัสพื้นดิน ... * * * Kachak *
  I landed onto a surface with a dull bang and was greeted with the sounds of chew in my ears; like the sound of a rock being thrown into a rock grinder
Crushing, tumbling, rubbing…   If I could see myself right now, I’m sure it would be a truly sorry state
การบดเคาะถล่ม ... ถ้าฉันเห็นตัวเองตอนนี้ฉันแน่ใจว่ามันน่าจะเป็นรัฐที่ขอโทษอย่างแท้จริง
  Di Qi Ju:
Di Qi Ju:
must it always end up like this?   First was that long-clawed, pig-looking bestial wrath, and now it was this centipede-like worm with spider legs for a head…   Somehow the fate of a delicious prey has been firmly stuck to me ever since I’ve transmigrated to this world…   I know that this won’t be able to kill me
but why won’t my body move?   ----Suddenly, the chewing stopped
  I felt a sudden change in gravity as I was sent down the “throat” of the worm
ฉันรู้สึกถึงการเปลี่ยนแปลงอย่างฉับพลันในแรงโน้มถ่วงขณะที่ฉันถูกส่งลง "ลำคอ" ของหนอน
  Is it going to swallow me?   Di Qi Ju:
Ah!!!!!   The fear of death overtook my previously numbed body
อา !!!!!
I desperately reached out and latched onto a fang, hanging onto it for my dear life
  The thought finally struck me
Even if I couldn’t die to external physical forces, even if any potential poison from this worm couldn’t kill me-----   An “ability to prevent the absorption of, and to expel any substance that enters my body that could damage my body or affect the functions of my body
แม้ว่าจะไม่สามารถตายไปกับพลังทางกายภาพภายนอกถึงแม้ว่าสารพิษที่เป็นไปได้จากหนอนตัวนี้ไม่สามารถฆ่าฉันได้ ----- "ความสามารถในการป้องกันการดูดซึมและขับไล่สารใด ๆ ที่เข้าสู่ร่างกายของฉันได้
”     This was the wish I made while that bestial wrath was having its way with me
  -------but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t be dissolved by the gastric acid of this worm! Furthermore, my abilities wouldn’t prevent me from suffocating to death inside this worm!   I desperately tried to pull myself out of its mouth
------- แต่นั่นไม่ได้หมายความว่าฉันไม่สามารถละลายได้ด้วยกรดในกระเพาะอาหารของหนอนตัวนี้!
Thank god, it didn’t have a tongue!   In the middle of that tiny window of light to the outside world, I saw Mo Chuan leaning against a tree near the cliff face
One of his arms had been dislocated, probably as a result of the worm forcefully dragging me out of his grip
He looked at me, stunned, his face, a deathly white at this moment
  I wonder what I looked like in his eyes?   Ahah
It was probably similar to what I saw when I was being attacked by that bestial wrath
That was after all, the maximum effect of my disguise ability
  I probably looked like a pile of minced meat and blood that had just been sent down the throat of a worm
  Di Qi Ju: Mo Chuan…   Mo Chuan:
Di Qi Ju: Mo ชวน ... Mo Chuan:
  I don’t think he heard me
However, he suddenly came back to his senses, with a determined look on his face
He crouched down and with his uninjured arm, put his dislocated arm back into its socket with a sickening twist!   After which, he slowly closed his eyes and adopted the prayer pose
  Is he planning to… This stupid guy…   Isn’t this your best chance to escape? Didn’t you say you could climb up the cliff wall by yourself?   Aren’t I already dead in your eyes? What kind of stupid crap are you trying to pull now?! That’s enough, Mo Chuan
เขากำลังวางแผนที่จะ ... คนโง่คนนี้ ... นี่ไม่ใช่โอกาสที่ดีที่สุดที่คุณจะหลบหนี?
From the moment you jumped off that bridge, it was enough
You mustn’t risk yourself anymore for my sake
You… -----Can’t you just take better care of yourself
คุณ ... ----- คุณไม่สามารถดูแลตัวเองได้ดีขึ้น
why must you make me worry about you so much???   Di Qi Ju: Mo Chuan---!!   Mo Chuan:
  Di Qi Ju: Mo Chuan----!!   Mo Chuan: ……!?   Mo Chuan finally opened eyes, meaning that he hadn’t entered the world of stars yet
Di Qi Ju: Mo Chuan ---- !!
  I lifted both my legs and hooked them onto another fang, and with a forceful clench of my hand----   Di Qi Ju: AAHHHH----!!!   *CRACK!*   A broken fang spun through the air like a pinwheel and pierced solidly into the ground
ฉันยกขาทั้งสองข้างขึ้นและติดไว้บนเขี้ยวอื่นและด้วยมือของฉันค่อยๆขยับ ---- Di Qi Ju: AAHHHH ---- !!!
  ??: Hisszzttt-----!   The giant worm gave out a pained howl as its body began trembling
??: Hisszzttt -----!
However, all this was unknown to me as I focused all my attention onto both my arms
  As the adrenaline coursed through me, the already tremendous strength given to me by my wish ability was further enhanced
  *Bam*   Di Qi Ju: God damn you----   *Bam*   Di Qi Ju: Tell me----   *Bam*   Di Qi Ju: Exactly what does it takes to------   *Bam*   Di Qi Ju: KILL YOU----!!!!   *crack crack crack*-----   Fang after fang began to fall off the roof of its mouth like a bunch of stalactites, piercing the surface it landed on
* Bam * Di Qi Ju: พระเจ้าแช่งคุณ ---- * Bam * Di Qi Ju: บอกฉัน ---- * Bam * Di Qi Ju: สิ่งที่ต้องใช้เพื่อ ------ * Bam * Di
As each fang fell, an ear splitting howl echoed within the surroundings
ในฐานะที่เป็นแต่ละ fang ลดลงหู howl แยกสะท้อนภายในสภาพแวดล้อม
  Each fang I pulled out, resulted in a geyser of worm juices that covered me in a disgusting layer of fluid
But this goo did nothing to disrupt my razor sharp focus
  Soon there was only two fangs left in its entire mouth, of which I used to support myself
เร็ว ๆ นี้มีเพียงสองเขี้ยวที่เหลืออยู่ในปากทั้งหมดของที่ฉันเคยสนับสนุนตัวเอง
Even so, the worm still didn’t collapse
  It immediately reeled in its sickle-like pincers as it tried to close its mouth
Its head madly flailed about as it writhed in pain, felling any tree that stood in its way
  Di Qi Ju: You motherf*cking wish to eat me---- Di Qi Ju: A piece of sh*t like you wish to eat me----   *Bang*----!   My tightly clenched fist flew through the air and slammed right into the incoming pincers
Di Qi Ju: คุณแม่ * cking ต้องการกินฉัน ---- Di Qi Ju: ชิ้นส่วนของ sh * t ชอบที่คุณต้องการกินฉัน ---- * Bang * ----!
As its chitin-like pincer collided with my fist, it cracked under the sheer force of my punch
My fist penetrated right through it, leaving a gaping hole in its wake
  With this acting as my pivoting point, I drew my leg back and kicked at the worm’s gums in a goal kicking pose
  *Boom---!*   Flesh and bone gave way as my leg ripped through its lower jaw, exposing my calves to the fresh air outside
  I hooked my other leg onto the outside of its mouth, pulling my body down into its gums
ฉันติดขาอื่น ๆ เข้าสู่ด้านนอกปากทำให้ร่างกายของฉันหลั่งลงสู่เหงือก
  With my entire body firmly secured to its gums, no amount of struggling by the worm would be able to affect me now
focus all your strength into this one punch
  There was no skill to speak of naturally
I was just a normal high school graduate with absolutely no form of combat training
But this godlike strength of mine had already given me some ideas on how to attack
All I needed to do was focus all my strength into a single strike
  Di Qi Ju: You Goddamn prick---- Di Qi Ju: Why aren’t you dead yet----?!!?   As I violently tugged at its pincers, the giant worm’s shaking turned into violent tumbles over the ground
Di Qi Ju: คุณเจ้าแม่ไส้กรอก ---- Di Qi Ju: ทำไมคุณถึงยังไม่ตาย ----? !!?
  Amidst this vomit inducing roller coaster ride, I heard a loud ripping sound echoing in my ears, similar to the sound of onion peels being torn off
  The writhing pincer suddenly stopped struggling and no longer resisted my arms
  The giant worm’s violent tumbling had stopped as well
It gradually slowed down in a series of twitches before finally stopping completely
  As I looked at the lifeless pincer in my hands, a wave of disgust hit me
All that worm meat, chitin and god knows what fluids…   Ripping out that pincer must have damaged some important part of its nervous system, causing it to die
ทั้งหมดที่เนื้อหนอนไคตินและพระเจ้ารู้ว่าของเหลว ... การฉีกขาดออกที่ pincer ต้องได้รับความเสียหายบางส่วนสำคัญของระบบประสาทของมันทำให้มันตาย
  Di Qi Ju: Haa
Di Qi Ju: Haa
haa Di Qi Ju: phew…   The wave of adrenaline finally passed and all that remained was a sense of heavy fatigue
Haa Di Qi Ju: phew ... คลื่นแห่งความตื่นเต้นได้ผ่านพ้นไปแล้วและสิ่งที่เหลือก็เป็นความเหนื่อยล้ามาก
  I tiredly pulled myself out of the worm, and as I did so, my gooey body fell out of the meter high mouth and onto the ground headfirst
ฉันเหนื่อยล้าดึงตัวเองออกจากหนอนและขณะที่ฉันทำเช่นนั้นร่างกายเหนอะหนะของฉันหลุดออกมาจากปากสูงเมตรและบน groundfirst พื้น
  Mo Chuan: Di Qi Ju----!   Mo Chuan immediately leaped from his safe vantage point and carried me away from the worm, placing me by the cliff face
Mo Chuan: Di Qi Ju ----!
  Mo Chuan: Ju…   Di Qi Ju: I’m fine
Mo Chuan: Ju ... Di Qi Ju: ฉันสบายดี
I’m fine… Di Qi Ju: Can’t you tell from my energetic voice that I’m fine? Hah
ฉันสบายดี ... Di Qi Ju: คุณไม่สามารถบอกได้จากพลังของฉันที่ฉันสบายดีไหม?
  Mo Chuan:
  Di Qi Ju: I’m just slightly spent, I need to rest a while…   Mo Chuan: Ju, who are you…   Di Qi Ju:
Di Qi Ju: ฉันเพิ่งใช้เวลาเพียงเล็กน้อยฉันต้องการพักสักครู่ ... Mo Chuan: Ju, คุณเป็นใคร ... Di Qi Ju:
  Di Qi Ju: Err…   I gave a bitter laugh before turning my head towards Mo Chuan
Di Qi Ju: เออ ... ฉันหัวเราะขมก่อนที่จะหันศีรษะไปทาง Mo Chuan
There was no sign of fear or discomfort in his eyes, only concern and confusion
  Di Qi Ju: I guess I’ll have to come clean, there’s no point hiding this anymore
Di Qi Ju: ฉันคิดว่าฉันจะต้องมาทำความสะอาดไม่มีประเด็นที่จะหลบซ่อนอีกต่อไป
Di Qi Ju: This was the present granted to me by Westrealm
Di Qi Ju: นี่เป็นของขวัญที่ฉันได้รับจาก Westrealm
  Mo Chuan:
granted by God? Wish ability?   Di Qi Ju: It’s the ability you see before you
  Mo Chuan:
rapid regeneration and immense strength?   Di Qi Ju:
  Looks like it would take more than a few words to explain this
But I’m just too tired to explain after that adrenaline-packed battle
  Di Qi Ju: Let’s just leave it as that
Di Qi Ju: ให้ทิ้งไว้อย่างนั้น
Di Qi Ju: Also, my wish points are higher than most people
Di Qi Ju: นอกจากนี้ความปรารถนาของฉันยังสูงกว่าคนส่วนใหญ่
After all, I’m shouldering the will of so many lives
หลังจากที่ทุกฉัน shouldering ความปรารถนาของชีวิตจำนวนมากดังนั้น
  Mo Chuan:…?   Di Qi Ju: Either way, when you died just now, I made a desperate wish to God, a 10,000 point wish to save your life
Mo Chuan: ... ?
  Mo Chuan:……!?   Di Qi Ju: Who knows, God might have thought that I spent too much and so decided to pass the remaining wish points onto you
Mo Chuan: ...... !?
  As I explained, I watched the amusing changes on Mo Chuan’s face
ดังที่ได้อธิบายไว้ผมได้เฝ้าดูการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่น่าขบขันบนใบหน้า Mo Chuan
It was a praiseworthy spectacle
  Mo Chuan: Was that 10,000 points all of your wish points?   Di Qi Ju: Of course not
Mo Chuan: 10,000 คะแนนที่คุณต้องการทั้งหมดหรือไม่?
I still have plenty to spare so you don’t have to worry about returning them to me
  Mo Chuan:
Mo Chuan: If one was able to properly utilize these 10,000 wish points, it’s entirely possible to control the entire human race
Mo Chuan: ถ้าใครสามารถใช้คะแนนที่ต้องการได้ 10,000 คะแนนอย่างถูกต้องเราสามารถควบคุมเผ่าพันธุ์มนุษย์ทั้งหมดได้
  Mo Chuan: Why did you come to Honor’s expeditionary force to look for work?   Di Qi Ju: I guess it’s because I don’t have the intellect to utilize that many wish points
Mo Chuan: ทำไมคุณมาถึงกองกำลังของ Honor เพื่อหางาน?
Di Qi Ju: All I can think of is how to live a decent live in society…   I don’t want to die
Di Qi Ju: ทั้งหมดที่ฉันสามารถคิดคือการมีชีวิตที่ดีในสังคม ... ฉันไม่อยากตาย
I do not want to die just like this
That was the cry of the tens or even hundreds of thousands of people in that disaster
And I am the bearer of that collective will
Because I, more than anyone, know that I am just an ordinary person
An ordinary person that could die without a moment’s notice
And so I must always remember, for the rest of my life, that painful lesson
  Mo Chuan:
Mo Chuan: Alright then
Mo Chuan: เอาล่ะแล้ว
  Di Qi Ju:
Di Qi Ju:
?   Mo Chuan: Everyone has their own reasons for doing things
In a sense, a seasonal wolf mingling among humans has no right to question your reasons
  Di Qi Ju: What?   Mo Chuan: Do you feel that life right now
Di Qi Ju: อะไร?
is good?   Di Qi Ju:
Di Qi Ju: As long as I don’t have to spend anymore time in a monster’s mouth, I’ll be satisfied
Di Qi Ju: ตราบเท่าที่ฉันไม่ต้องเสียเวลาในปากของมอนสเตอร์อีกต่อไปฉันจะพอใจ
  Mo Chuan:
Mo Chuan: Hahahaha----- Mo Chuan: By the way, what was with all the cursing just now?   Di Qi Ju: That
Mo Chuan: Hahahaha ----- Mo Chuan: โดยวิธีการที่มีการสาปแช่งทั้งหมดอยู่ในขณะนี้?
please ignore it…   Mo Chuan: That was the first time I’ve heard you curse, I’m afraid I can’t forget it that easily
โปรดทิ้งมันไว้ ... Mo Chuan: นี่เป็นครั้งแรกที่ได้ยินว่าคุณสาปแช่งฉันกลัวว่าฉันจะลืมไม่ได้ง่ายๆ
  Di Qi Ju: Do you want me to introduce you to my ancestral memory wiping technique?   ……   Hahaha
Di Qi Ju: คุณต้องการให้ฉันแนะนำคุณเกี่ยวกับเทคนิคการล้างข้อมูลความทรงจำของบรรพบุรุษของฉันหรือไม่?
that’s right
This is the reaction I’ve wanted
My faith in Mo Chuan was well spent
ความเชื่อของฉันใน Mo Chuan ใช้ไปอย่างดี
This guy, is someone I can befriend without any reservations
คนนี้เป็นคนที่ฉันสามารถเป็นเพื่อนได้โดยไม่ต้องจองใด ๆ
With a friend like this beside me, what else can I ask for?   ??: Sigh… ??: Is this carefree attitude due to an ignorance of the danger you’re in?   Di Qi Ju: …!   Mo Chuan:----!?   A woman’s voice
  Both of us turned our heads towards the direction of the voice
It came from the depths of the woodlands
  There, we saw a slender figure dressed in an austere set of robes walking towards us
She wore a hood that blocked everything from view except for her jaw and nose
  This embroidery, this voice
it reminded me of a certain incident
  ??: Oh, there’s some blood spilled
??: โอ้มีเลือดไหลรินบ้าง
I guess I’ll explain the situation later
??: Let’s get you two patched up first
: ขอให้คุณสองคนปะขึ้นก่อน
  As she lowered her hood, a blonde head full of shoulder length locks revealed itself
On it was a beautiful face without any make-up
มันเป็นใบหน้าสวย ๆ โดยไม่มีการแต่งหน้า
Instead of beautiful, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe her face as being an elegant flower arrangement
  It gave off the aura of someone who stood out from the crowd whether she was beautiful or not
  Di Qi Ju: You are… Di Qi Ju: …
Di Qi Ju: คุณเป็น ... Di Qi Ju: ...
Inquisitor Hilda Carlyle??